Saturday, October 20, 2007


well on wednesday i was lucky to go to one of bree's scans and this was the best i have ever seen, with this 3D image we can see SHE has her mum's nose and her dad's mouth.
if you would like to see more on grub here is her page link that bree has been updating...

leaps and bounds...

~go girls~

well melissa is now out of hospital, she was discharged on thursday.
lilly is also doing very well being moved up rooms again, now in room 3 its just awesome to see.
there isn't much else to report there except that but here is a photo of all 3.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

piglet has a name...

well they announced piglets name today... it is
i am so excited cause i really love that name but sorry ill take a few steps back...
melissa woke up on friday and where they keep patients that have been in an induced coma in ICU for a few days after they wake, melissa was put out of there the very same day... mel is doing very well improving every day, she is up and giving everyone cheek i think they were going to try to make her walk a few steps today. she had all her spirit yesterday singing and playing the air drums... lol...
now "Lilly" she is going great guns, on friday she was moved from room 8 (room 8 is the highest care and it goes down to room 1 where that is the last room before they go home) straight to room 5, they normally keep the baby in room 8 for 2 to 8 weeks and she made it out in less than 1 and even jumped a few, she now the only tube in lilly is the feeding tube in her nose and even then only because a baby at only 30 weeks dose not have the sucking motion yet. lilly is still in a humidity crib due to her body temp needs to be kept steady and something about oxygen levels. melissa and craig got to hold lilly for the first time today so very exciting for them.
well that's it for now, i will keep updating when i get more updates.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

update on melissa...

updated news for melissa and 'piglet'...

well first piglet is doing well and pretty much breathing for herself now but they do still have to have her on a c-pap machine and she is now been put in a humidity crib (sounds worse but they said it is a step up). today she got t have some of melissa's breast milk cause she was screaming her little lungs out and again they say its a really good sign...

now melissa... well she is still in an induced coma since sunday ( she dose not even know she has had a little girl yet let alone had a baby) :o( the liver is doing ok but they need to look at her heart and did a cat scan on her head to rule out other things. she had ALOT of fluid on her lungs but today there is less so things look good there. craig got to do her hair this morning and her face screwed up and went red so there is good response from her. so each day she is getting better but still don't know when they will wake her up properly. i hope its soon so she dose not miss to much of piglets first few days plus she needs to be better for herself and us.

craig is a very proud dad and at the same time a very stressed husband as you would expect.

well that's it for now and i will update more when i can.

but all in all things are getting better NOT worse...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

it's a..... GIRL!!!

well iv just had news that mel is ok... sick but ok!!!
and piglet is a little girl, whisked off to ICU but they say she has good colour,
so once again fingers crossed...
ps. read the post under this and you will see what is going on...


well melissa has a few complications today, she has just been rushed into surgery to get piglet delivered today at 1 day shy of 30 weeks. this is because melissa's liver has actually failed so mel wont be in the all clear for a while but we have high hopes for piglet but we do have everything and i mean everything crossed for them both to be well... i WILL keep you updated when i know more... :o( i am flying down tonight to see them, i will be there for at least 2 weeks...

Monday, October 1, 2007

BIG weekend...

WOW what a weekend!!!
Kylie and David came for the weekend to visit
they arrived on Friday night and first stop was
back home for Kylie to change cause she was hot... lol...
well after that we went and showed them the night view
of Townsville including up Castle Hill. They were just
amazed at the view. Then on Saturday we went to Reef HQ and
the Museum then back home for the boys to watch the AFL
grand final, after that we zipped up Mt Stuart to see the sunset
but we just missed it it was at dusk by the time we got up there but still
was beautiful. Then on Sunday we went to Magnetic Island to
go snorkeling and oh my god how awesome was that we had
the best day catching the sunferry over and hiring a purple moke...
yep the only purple moke on the island, we nick named it the
flying purple people and we were home
to go out for a great tea at an all you can eat Thai restaurant to
make it home to watch the last half of the NRL grand final.
Then today was a lazy relax day as we all got sunburnt yesterday
and they were going home tonight. We have just dropped them back at
the air port and they are reluctantly on their way home to cold old Victoria... :o(

counting down
