Wednesday, January 23, 2008

welcome connor...

'Connor James Turner'
born 23.01.08
10.55 pm
9.16103 pound
(4.1 kg)
51.5 cm tall
35.5cm for head circumference

Sunday, January 20, 2008

updated pic of Lilly...

well thanks to my mum i got an updated pic of my other neice... yes i have two i just dont get picture updates of little Lilly... isn't she so cute...
Lilly is now 3 & 1/2 months old.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

scrap the babies...

just some pages i did for now...
i'm just waiting for some more pics of Lilly though so i can do more!
this first one is Lilly but the other 2 are of Matilda




more of the little flood...

turns out this wasn't a little flood for townsville as it was a pretty big thing for in townsville itself. the news showed house's and cars flooded and the people saying they had been here their whole life and they hadn't seen it this bad ever...

to me this is a big thing anyway as i have never seen nor experienced it but i do hope it dose not get any worse...

but the rain just keeps pouring down...

~this is Bohle river crossing Dalrimple rd~

Sunday, January 13, 2008

little bit of a flood...

little bit of a flood...
(lets hope it stays that way)

well its sunday afternoon and its been raining all day today on and off but in just 1 hour townsville was reported to get 80 to 110mm... yep that was just in 1 whole hour...
our backyard is a little flooded but the grass still covers it but cora is enjoying it.
we decided to go for a drive to see where else was affected and oh boy was it affected...
we come across mount view park that has temporarily been turned into a water park then we went and saw the drainage way to our area of flooding...
well lets hope is dose not rain much more...
(the kids playground turned into a kids island...)
(kids were out in their blow up boats...)
(so how big is this park??? and its all under water)
(they were even trying body boarding)
(now that's deep)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

more to come...

~scrap page of matilda~

the other night when michael was on duty i did some scrapping and here is the first page of matilda's section of the niece and nephew scrap book i'm just waiting on printing out more pictures to finish off the other 2 pages i did of her.

i also did some of lilly but i need a couple of things to finish them off and i also started one for "clone" but as we know it can not be finished till he is out on good behavior after being inside 9 months...

ross river dam...

~ross river dam~
well today we decided to go have a look at the ross river dam, cause a few weeks before christmas they had their grand opening... well... no its not finished yet but still we got to walk to the top and yes i did it... had to stop a couple of times but i made it. the pic i took from not quite at the top of what we walked dose not show exactly how long or steep it was. the scene was ok but not spectacular i think we were expecting something a little better than that. they need to put some seating and a water tap up there for the tourists and a little more shelter... but anyway we have been and seen and prob do it again once we know it is 100% finished...

counting down
