Tuesday, September 23, 2008


well Michael went and had his routine eye test and he needs new glasses once again but lucky he has them paid for by the Defence so that is a HUGE plus 2 pair normal everyday and 1 pair sunnies (they are costing us $50 as he chose Oakley ones and they were not part or the totally free army range) but the glasses he is getting are VERY nice and this time round he is getting multi focal so it will be funny watching him get used to them... He will be a little noddy to start with and stairs are going to be a hoot...

so anyway i thought i may as well also go for an eye test as i have health cover now and thought id make use of it. and... well... umm... err... i needed glasses not because things are blurry but because i do loose focus sometimes and have to refocus as my eye's "don't communicate" so they are meant to help that out... so anyway a big bill later as the health cover didn't 'cover' the lot i now have glasses....

oh and I'm kinda liking them cause its something new like a hair cut or something... but ask me that in a few months when i think they are a pain to remember all the time...

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