Saturday, September 1, 2007

So here we are!!!

I'll tell you About me first!
Hey just thought id start telling you a bit about me. It might take a while cause the first thing is im a very slow typer and crap speller but i promice you will get most of it... Well im 27 and have just moved to Townsville with my husband Michael he has just joined the army and this is our first posting, i was born in Townsville as my dad was in the army and when i was 3 months old we moved to Seymour where i lived my entire life... As for Michael he has done the moving around thing cause his dad is still in the army. Seymour was the longest he has stayed in one town! We met in May 2000 both starting a traineeship at Ralphs Meat works Seymour. In the group of 12 we were kind of the ones that got picked on (not the cool kids) so we were forced to sit with each other alot till we made our friends and then oh boy did we HATE each other or what! still to this day i dont know how we ended up together but here we are over 7 years later and been happily married for more than a year... We got together officially on the 7th Feb 2003 that was a friday i think so when it came time to make a date for the big day i wanted the 7th feb as im a very centermental person and well to alot of peoples frowning we married on the 7th feb that fell on a Tuesday but oh well i loved it cause the other thing about me is that i like to be diferent... not way out there diferent but just diferent! So yeah thats that part of my life and now im here back in my birth town 27 years later. I do LOVE it up here but REALLY miss everyone back in Seymour thats the only down side but ill get there! My very best friend is Kylie we are so alike in so many ways and to her i was her... um... how did she put it... her suriget child! she spoiled me like she would for her very own child and no she is only 2 years older than me but she has alot of fertility problems (one of our thing we have in comon) When i moved she thought she go aply for joint custerdy and make Michael leave me there... But she is managing with snail mail and the phone. I never had any sisters so a few years ago i decided to adopt 2 myself...(well kind of) Naomi who i call nomi and Illona who i call lona these two sisters have been there for me through so much they became more than best friends to me they are to me my sisters and i even love their mum and dad like a second mum and dad. Well not much to say there but yeah... um... i just love em... if you aleady know me you will know of my problems and my desier it is to have a child but unfortunately nature isnt very nice to us we dont have speed bumps we have brick walls... my one and only dream in this world is to be a mum it hurts so so much i dont have one. (here come the water works) but any way my sister inlaw Bree is pritty much the same as me but recently they found a crack in the wall! Yep they are prego's oh my god when i got the phone call oh boy Bree must have thought she told me someone had died i was just so excited for her i howled and couldnt talk she had to ring back later that night 8 hrs later by that time i told the world im gonna be an aunty and straight away i was onto ebay buying things but have finnaly slowed down after the 4th house morgage... LOL... Well now i have found out that my other sister inlaw is prego's to..."what the ...?" they are only 1 week apart.... but wait there is more.... dont know if i told you this yet but i have 3 older brothers and no sisters so there is only 4 of us... what are the odds of 2 being up the duff 1 week apart and both their first child? well i bet you wont belive me when i tell you the THIRD sister inlaw is prego's too with their first!!! Yep thats right she is 1 month behind the other 2 she also had problems falling prego's they have been trying for a few years too. So hows that not 1, not 2, but ALL 3 are having a baby... they all say i should have moved away along time Bring on December and January, ill keep you up to date.

1 comment:

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

Wow love reading your blog tahts totally weird about the sister in laws and must be hard for you.Excited for them but still wishing....My sister in law is in townsville her husband is in the army Debbie has three little girls.I have four sons never got that elusive daughter.what a fabulous aunty you seem to have a RAPPORT with them kids.Love your scrap pages i should blog some of mine lol

counting down
